Premature white hair giving you nightmares?

Greying hair is a part of your natural ageing process. Your skin has millions of hair follicles that contain a pigment called melanin. As you age, hair follicles lose this pigment turning your hair into grey.

What Causes White Hair?

Greying hair is a part of your natural ageing process. Your skin has millions of hair follicles that contain a pigment called melanin. As you age, hair follicles lose this pigment turning your hair into grey.

1. Genetics

According to studies, premature greying is related to genetics . It is likely that you will have grey hair at an early age if your mother or father had premature grey hair. It is also related to geography and race. People in a certain country can have grey hair much earlier than people in other countries. White people can get white hair even in their 20s, while Asian people most likely start getting white hair in their mid-20s. For African-Americans, the age of greying hair starts at 30.

2. Stress

Stress can lead to a flood of problems like anxiety, high blood pressure, sleeping issues, skin disorders and so on. Adding to this list is premature greying of hair. Yes, stress can turn your hair grey.

3. Diet

An imbalanced diet can speed up greying of hair. Processed foods, cold drinks, excess intake of salt and sugar increase the risk of free radical generation in the body that can cause grey hair.

4. Vitamin Deficiency

Yes, lack of vitamins like vitamin B, D, E, biotin can lead to premature greying of hair. Vitamin deficiencies can affect pigmentation but can be reversed using vitamin supplements.

5. Pollution/Weather Conditions

Pollutants in the air generate free radicals and oxidative stress. This can in turn cause damage to the melanin cells, speeding up hair greying

6. Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress can be a reason behind your premature white hair. It happens when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. When your antioxidants are not adequate to retaliate the effects of free radicals, it leads to many health issues, including ageing. Excessive oxidate causes a condition called vitiligo. It kills your melanin cells, leading to premature grey hair.

7. Chemical Hair Products

Haircare products like shampoos and conditioners can lead to premature greying of hair, due to the presence of chemicals which decrease your melanin content. Hair dyes containing hydrogen peroxide and bleaching agents can leave the hair white when used for prolonged periods.

8. Smoking

Smoking not only increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease but also puts your hair at risk. Smoking constricts blood vessels, reduces blood flow to hair follicles and leads to hair loss. The toxins in cigarette smoke can affect hair follicles causing grey hair earlier than expected.

9. Medical Conditions

When you talk about the causes of premature white hair, you have to consider few medical conditions as contributing factors. Autoimmune disease and thyroid disorder can trigger grey hair. In autoimmune disease, your own immune system destroys your cells instead of protecting, which can affect your hair pigmentation too.
Your thyroid gland also influences your hair colour. In the case of a thyroid disorder, it causes hormonal imbalance and reduces melanin production in your body. Naturally, your hair turns grey. changes colour. Gently apply the warm oil on your hair and scalp.

How To Prevent White Hair?

1. Quit Smoking

Smokers can have a greater chance of pigment loss when compared to non-smokers.

2. Turn To Antioxidants

Incorporate a lot of antioxidant-rich foods into your diet. These prevent oxidative stress and grey hair.

3. Protect Your Hair From The Sun

The harmful UV rays from the sun can cause oxidative stress in the body and premature greying of hair. Protect your hair with a hat or scarf while you are outdoors.

4. Avoid Stress

Practice meditation and yoga to keep your mind free of the daily stress.

Why Plucking Grey Hair Is A Bad Idea?

It is widely believed that if you pluck a strand of grey hair, more will grow back. This is untrue. Only one strand of hair can grow from one single hair follicle. Nevertheless, don’t be tempted to pluck your grey hair. You are going to make the hair follicles weak and there are chances that regular plucking will eventually dismiss hair growth at a certain hair follicle. You don’t want your hair volume to go down, do you?

How To Determine If Your Greying Is Premature Or Natural?

Greying of hair starts when you are in your late 40s and early 50s. Premature greying of hair can start as early as in 20s. According to research, premature greying of hair is related to ethnicity too, besides genetics.